Chest pain is a common complaint that has a variety of causes, ranging from mild and harmless to serious and potentially life-threatening. Most cases of chest pain have something to do with the heart, which is why it is also referred to as heart pain.
However, there are also many types chest pain that are caused by conditions affecting the lungs, oesophagus, skin, muscles and bones. In some cases, pain can also extend up to the neck or down to one or both arms.
Chest pain near the heart is a common symptom of an impending heart attack. Medically known as myocardial infarction, a heart attack occurs when the heart is not getting enough blood due to an interrupted blood flow caused by a build up fat and cholesterol.
Symptoms of a heart attack include:
It’s important to note that chest pain doesn’t always involve the heart. There are other common causes of chest pain, and it is important to seek medical attention to rule out cardiac factors, and seek proper treatment nonetheless.
Some other causes of chest pain include:
All forms and types of heart pain, whether sharp or dull, or sudden or persistent, or aching or burning, should be immediately checked by a medical professional. Regardless of whether there is a heart-related cause, it is important to get it diagnosed and properly treated.
MB BCh (Ireland), MRCP (United Kingdom)FAMS (Cardiology), DIP (CBNC, USA)FSCAI (SCAI, USA), FACC (ACC, USA) FESC (European Society of Cardiology, France) FRCP (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Dr Eric Hong is a dedicated cardiologist with over 20 years of experience caring for heart patients.
He is one of few cardiologists in Singapore who subspecialises in interventional cardiology, nuclear cardiology, and multi-modal cardiac imaging. Dr Hong garnered diverse experiences working in Ireland and the United States, and is double fellowship-trained in the USA.